La Marina Fiesta

Can anyone tell me why at the fiesta, that we are having a spanish beatle tribute band, when there is a really good one (Backbeat 4) that do an awful lot for charity in the La Marina Area, surely we should use the groups that support La Marina all year. These boys are really good and if anyone has seen them they will agree. They are so upset about this snub from the town hall that they are having 2nd thoughts about doing anymore charity work for La Marina based charities in the near future.

La Marina

It does not suprise me at all!
Just at the moment the right hand does not seem to know what the left hand is doing in our council/community?
Super Jeff, our elected European representative councillor seems not to know anything at all, by his own admission he was waiting for the "programme to be on the streets on Monday" so that he could update himself on the matter!

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-08-01 18:23:01 UTC

I remember that in previous years, when Mark Lewis was the councillor for fiestas, he always enlisted local bands to play at the La Marina fiesta. We also knew at least three weeks before the fiesta because there was a fiesta programme available. Has anyone seen a fiesta programme for this years fiesta?

Commented Don in La Marina 2011-08-01 21:24:28 UTC

Although I do not agree with Jeff on occasions I can sympathise with him, with all the flack he is getting over this fiesta. It is not easy to take over and walk in someone else's shoes. For all the one's who think they can do better - HAVE A GO, ITS NOT SO EASY WHEN YOU ARE IN THE SITUATION, AS PEOPLE DO NOT TAKE KINDLY TO CHANGE.. BUT IF HE DID EVERYTHING THE SAME AS MARK LEWIS, AND I'M NOT KNOCKING MARK, PEOPLE WOULD HAVE SAID HE HAD NOT GOT ANY IDEAS OF HIS OWN. ITS A NO WIN SITUATION BELIEVE ME.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-08-03 16:34:20 UTC

Myself and my family are really looking forward to the fiesta and congratulations for what seems like a very well planned event

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2011-08-03 16:53:01 UTC